Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Canada Teranet January 2011 Released

The Teranet January 2011 data have been released.

If you want to see the composite, which is running flat, you have to look in the lower right under the heading "Historical Charts - National Composite" and click on "Index Values and Sales Pair Count".

Vancouver rising.
Calgary down 1% month on month, which is an acceleration from the last two months. Another observation about Calgary is how sharp the discontinuity is in 2006. Might have something to do with the Spot Price of Brent Crude.
Toronto rising, just slightly. 1/2% gain month on month.
Ottawa on a steady decline that began in November 2010 and still rolls on at 1/2% per month.
Montreal rising slightly. Note that Montreal is the second most overpriced city in Canada. Unlike the others it shows much less of a dip during the 2008-2009 downturn.
Halifax up slightly, but the data are very noisy. I'm going to call it overall flat.

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